فارسی عربي

Ammar Filmfest unveils poster

The Ammar Popular Film Festival has released poster.

The Ammar Popular Film Festival has released poster.

The official poster for the 10th edition of the event has been published a few weeks after the call for entries.

The festival is receiving works in four main sections.

The poster of the 10th Ammar Filmfest has been chosen from among the selected popular posters of the ninth edition.

Fiction films, documentaries, animated films and music videos from Iran and other countries can participate at the festival.

Applicants can register for the 2019 edition of the festival via They have until November 28, 2019 to submit their works to the secretariat.

The Ammar Popular Film Festival goes against the promotion of “individualism and extreme enjoyment without caring about the society's troubles and other humans’ suppression,” the event’s official website reads.

The festival aims “to raise real awareness and responsibility among the general public,” the website adds, noting that the event’s mission is to create an atmosphere in which independent filmmakers and thinkers can gather together.

